NRAS is pleased to invite you to a panel discussion and release of the State of Rural and Agrarian India Report 2020. The report attempts to provide a comprehensive and critical overview of the state of contemporary rural India. It focuses on the key structural factors, especially policies and trends, that have marked rural India’s economic and ecological conditions. Through this report, we wish to share alternative ideas, paradigms, and methodologies to address these entrenched problems and challenges. The report draws upon the last ten years of the NRAS’ engagement with rural issues, especially the two policy conferences that took place in IIAS Simla (2016) and IIT Delhi (2019).
Please join us for the webinar on Zoom:
Date and Time: November 30, 2020 at 4 pm.
Registration link for the event: Please click here. Alternatively, you can register for the event by pasting the following URL in your browser: On registration, you will receive the Zoom link for the event in your inbox.
You may contact us at for any queries or feedback. Thank you.

If you missed the Panel Discussion, you can watch it here: